Robotics and Coding Fest 2024

Event:Robotics and Coding Fest 2024
Centre:Lifelong Learning Institute
Date:July 2024

ChildFirst Pre-school hosted our annual Robotics and Coding Fest 2024 yesterday at the Lifelong Learning Institute and it was a smashing success! The event buzzed with fun activities, games, delightful food stalls, and an exciting competition area for our K1 and K2 children. Every participant showed incredible perseverance, giving their all until the very end. Congratulations to all the winning teams! It was thrilling to witness their competitive spirit in action.

Our heartfelt thanks to all the parents for their outstanding support and encouragement. Your enthusiasm has been instrumental in driving our children towards success!

A special thank you goes out to our awesome team for their camaraderie and spirit in making this event such a memorable success. Your dedication and hard work are truly appreciated!

Ready to see more? Schedule a school tour today!